All my life, I’ve had an.. Interesting relationship with food. Not eating this food group or that, trying to achieve a certain look by eating more or less. For many years my focus was using food as a means to an end. Want to look better in that dress? Minimize your servings at meal times and up the water intake. Wishing for clearer skin? The dermatologist mentioned something about hormones in animal products… You see where this starts to go.
The point I’m making is that it’s super easy for us (particularly in the age of the internet) to get hyperfocused on only eating certain things, in order to achieve a certain goal (often with unexpected repercussions). Instead, I want to focus on the whole. How different parts of our bodies and our lives can work together - rather than in insolation.
Our grocery haul - primarily from the Leucadia Farmers Market
Before I met Chara, I was omnivorous, but leaning towards vegetarian (no red meat, limited dairy, limited chicken and fish). He was somewhere around totally vegan. But at this time, I was eating for the sake of reaching a goal - primarily not being hungry, but occasionally with something more functional in mind, like combating the first symptoms of a cold. And while there is certainly nothing wrong with eating to achieve a purpose, it shouldn’t be the only time that attention is paid to the topic of nutrition.
So over 6 months, I stopped eating meat. Here are the 3 biggest questions answered:
Q: Was it hard to stop eating meat?
A: No, not really. I took this time to educate myself, and once you know the damage to the environment and yourself, it’s not such a hard choice. Being married to someone who already didn’t eat meat obviously made it muuuch easier though.
Q: Do you miss meat?
A: No. If I miss a certain type of flavor profile (ie: burger), I’ll have a veggie equivalent. Meat itself over time becomes increasingly unappealing - now it is equivalent to me to a tire or a book in terms of how edible it is. It’s just not something I eat. If you ever become vegetarian, this will make sense after a little while. Chara said this to me as well and I was skeptical, but it becomes more true with more time.
Q: Where do you get your protein?
A: Here’s a breakdown by meals. :) I eat primarily fruits, veggies, and starches, but I also eat small amounts of cheese and yogurt and occasionally eggs.
Breakfast bowl with egg or tofu egg substitute
Fruit smoothie with vegetarian protein powder (made from peas)
Fruit oatmeal
Avocado toast with egg
Protein fortified pancake mix
Peanut or almond butter with apple
Almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and other nuts
Premade protein bars
Quinoa with tempeh, tofu, edamame, and other legumes
Spelt bread sandwich with cheese, cucumber, sprouts, and peppers
Burrito with black beans, salsa, cheese, greek yogurt, veggies
Vegetarian chili
Roasted chickpea and kale salad with balsamic dressing
Lentils with spinach and chickpeas
Spaghetti with Gardein meatless grounds (or equivalent) - add a little nutritional yeast for extra yum and protein
Wild rice with asparagus and other grilled veggies
Asian-style pan-fried seitan and rice
Tofu green curry
This post was supposed to be about the Leucadia Farmers Market, where we got all the gorgeous fresh produce that you see in the photo above. And while chara made a vlog for the whole experience (found below), there are a few tips I can give you if you’re planning on visiting this super fun farmers market in Southern California.
Leucadia Farmers Market by air
5 Tips for Visiting the Leucadia Farmers Market in Encinitas, California:
TIP #1: Know how to parallel park
Or, have a car, husband, or dog (just kidding), who can. The point I’m making is that while there is parking to be found, it’s not always in the easiest of places.
TIP #2: Be prepared for the sun
Sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, skip the hangover. If you don’t heed this warning and choose to torment yourself, don’t miss out on the Salty Lemonade, made with fermented lemons.
TIP #3: Don’t go hungry (or do - depending on your preferred outcome)
In addition to an amazing selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, the Leucadia Farmers Market is also host to a number of local restaurants, coffee shops, bakeries, and much more. A number of them cater to vegetarians and vegans as well.
TIP #4: Bring your bags
Otherwise you’ll be left trying to juggle a bunch of plastic bags, which is unpleasant for a number of reasons.
TIP #5: Try something new
One of my favorite things about the farmers market is the new kinds of produce that I get to try. Recently, we’ve gotten passion fruit (by the small crate) and some spicy basil - both of which I wouldn’t expect to find at a standard grocery store at this quality and price.
And I couldn’t leave you hanging without including Chara’s vlog. Which is way more helpful if you’re actually wondering about what to expect at the Leucadia Farmers Market.
If you liked this vlog, make sure to subscribe to his channel!
TL;DR - Find fresh and local produce and sleep better at night because you’re healthier and because you’re supporting local vendors. Everyone wins. Especially whoever gets to spend a few delicious meals enjoying the freshest fruits and veggies. You’ll never want to go back to the grocery store again!