Review: Nike Winflow 5 vs Asics GT 2000

There’s a saying that goes something like, ‘don’t skimp on the things that stay between you and the ground’. I’m not saying it quite right, but the point is, the things that go directly between you and the earth; like shoes, tires, or beds, for example, are not the ones you should cheap out on. So with that being said, finding the right shoes and replacing them regularly is essential.

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It’s Bright and It’s Dark (Days 3 + 4)

When I lived in Spain, there were four distinct seasons – which meant for a fair portion of the year I was running in the dark and cold. It meant getting home from my job, immediately changing, and literally running out the front door in an effort to outrun my ‘demotivation’. And most of the time, it worked. I pushed through the depths of the dreary Madrid February – with a seemingly endless supply of icy winds and below freezing days.

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