One of the best things about running is that no matter how many times you stop, you can always start again. Though I used to run heavily, it’s been a while since I’ve been in a ‘program’ of any sorts..
Welcome to the neighborhood
I’m using Nike+ for this marathon as I’ve used it previously to train for both a 10k and also a half marathon, but I’m sure there are a number of other options out there. Using the same app that I used for so many runs (2,687 miles of runs, to be exact), is a bit of a double edged sword. On the one hand, I get to use an app that I have a long history with, a history that demonstrates my capacity to succeed on this endeavor. On the other hand, it also shows how much fitness I’ve lost.
And so, to have two 10-minute runs as my day 1 and day 2 runs, was a combination of ‘you gotta be kidding me’, with ‘oh wow I’m really out of shape’.
The point being, these apps definitely know more than we give them credit (or so it seems). Physically, I feel pretty good. I’m looking forward to running and the weather in San Diego is far superior to Miami when it comes to starting a program again.
I’m hoping that even with the responsibilities of work and a set daily schedule starting up again, I’ll be able to keep enjoying and prioritizing my training.
And stretching. That needs to be a priority too.
One more good thing about following the app? It has me being marathon-ready one month before the race, which means that I either have time to lose a little ground on the way, or to be ready and just work on improving my condition.
In any case, 2 days in and feeling good. Let’s keep it going.